Storing data in multiple lines

Hello all, today I will share my knowledge regarding YAML.
YAML is a superset of JSON. Any JSON file is a valid YAML file. To work with Docker, K8s, Ansible, and Prometheus configuration files written in YAML. It is a widely used format for different DevOps tools and applications. It is a data serialization language that is human-readable and intuitive.
Indentation: It is done with one or more spaces but not with tabs.
YAML Comment:

# This is a first comment. 

Key-Value Pairs: This is indicated by colon and space. We can also key-value pairs as hash and dictionary.

"name": "Kartheek"
"designation": "Senior Software Engineer"


# List of Programming languages
- Java
- C
- C#

Block and Flow styles:

# Block Style 
 - apple
 - banana
 - guava
 # Flow Style
fruits: [apple, banana]


  • One file can contain multiple documents.
  • Documents are seperated by 3 hyphens (—) and ended with 3 dots (…)
"name": "Kartheek"
"designation": "Senior Software Engineer"
# List of Programming languages
- Java
- C
- C#

Data types in YAML:

  • Strings: We can declare string variable in three different ways.
    # String Variables
    name: "Kartheek"
    company: Sails software solutions
    location: 'Vizag'
  • Storing data in multiple lines:
    "bio": |
     This is Kartheek
     I'm very nice dude.
  • Write a single line in multiple lines:
     # Write a single line in multiple lines
     "message": >
     This will
     in whole single line

    It will be same as

    # same as
    "message1": "This will be in whole single line"
  • Integer:
    # Integer datatype
    number: 5678
  • Float:
    # Float datatype
    marks: 98.5
  • Boolean:
    # Boolean value
    isDeployed: true
    deployed: yes
    isActive: on

    Specifying data types in YAML:

    physics: !!int 98 
    date: !!timestamp "2022-11-11"
    time: !!timestamp "2001-12-15T02:59:43.1Z"

    Repeated Nodes: Keeping note of DRY principle. (Don’t Repeat Yourself). We can use anchor name (&name) and then we can reference with alias (*name) .

    Name:  &myname Kartheek
    myName: *myname



    Finally, to validate the .yaml file we make use of this site. yamlint

Kartheek Gummaluri